The show consisted of 2 wooden pieces one a table the other a headpiece and two performers.
The table was not a table in traditional sense but more of an organ or instrument of sorts. It worked as a resonator. The top barrel shaped form was made of ceramic. Inside it was a speaker and a microphone. The microphone ran through an electronic effects device, to an alpine car amp then to the sub-woofer speaker in the form. The actual table was made of lumber from the urban forest of long beach. This piece was controlled by one performer through nobs on the top of the table.
The head piece was made of reclaimed lumber from an old Baptist church/ Pentecostal church. The headpiece also had a microphone located in the conal shaped form and a analog synth embedded in the body which also had nobs and circuit bending switches. This piece was worn and controlled by the second performer.
Here are some shots from the show:
Post-performance demonstration:
Photos and Video by Jeremy Icanbomb