This Blog

DivineBrick Research Projects (DBRP)  at best is a think tank at worst is josie j...

DivineBrick  (josie j) makes research based existentially iconoclastic artwork.  A lifetime of re-configuring views, beliefs, self-structure and modeling a research-oriented existence that explores belief and where it stems from, this is where it has lead.

This exploration has taken many forms:  josie j has taught children and adults, worked with canines, studied Butoh with Kiochi and Hiroko Tamano, exercised explorations in wood working, writing, sculpture, sound production, video, performance, interest in: Trends, the occult, the esoteric, the mundane, transhumanism, BSDM lifestyles, religion, spirituality, tech, Growth, and anything seemingly unrelated.

josie j's interest in performance has allowed opportunities to  perform in great locations such as, the Berkley Art Museum (with the Harupin-ha Dance theatre), Highways Performance Space Santa Monica, Ca (solo and w/ Parallax Beach), The Tar Fest, Los Angeles, Ca, Torrance Art Museum (in collab. and Solo), and the SoundWalk of Long Beach, in which he was featured in on "Visiting...with Huell Howser".  josie j's sculptures are often part of the performances.

josie j resides in South Los Angeles, where work is done in the studio, writing, retro fitting a self designed Roubo inspired workbench, drawing and general making. josie j also performs in the
underground LA music and performance art scene, continuing a Self practice of Corporeal Reformation (an exploration in movement, ritual making, and belief mechanisms).

The work and interests are based upon the need to understand everything under the sun and beyond.  The measure on which josie j sees success is internal.  In hopes to leave the theories and headaches that have emerged the DivineBrick Research Projects was established.

The DivineBrick is a concept.  A place holder.  A clue to the larger picture.

This blog is a way to document what happens along the way on this path.  An art as process in blog form this is a sketchbook/ notebook/ journal that contains what is willing to be shared in this very much public space.   

An open letter to the world.  A joke to dry to swallow. Formed with jest.  A rewriting of origins.  A facetious remark.  An addition to the Global Brain.  Letter of resignation.  Propaganda for lulz sake.  A restructuring of Belief.  A love song.  An act of resistance.  An ode to the ancestors.   A mistake taken with mirth.  A teenagers cry for attention.  Self help manual.  An act of vulgarity.  A last moments attempt.  A collection of half ass genius. A Five String Serenade.  A joke taken to seriously.  An apology.  A punishment to wear.  An incantation.  A gift.  A clowns painted face.  A letter to a lover.  Another section of the fringe.  A deciphering of the roots.

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